Membership Application

The Hellenic-Thai Chamber of Commerce (HTCC) extends a warm invitation to businesses and professionals seeking to forge strategic partnerships and seize new opportunities in the dynamic markets of Greece and Thailand. Membership in the HTCC unlocks a world of benefits designed to empower your professional and business growth.

Through our established network, you’ll gain access to a collaborative community of experienced professionals, fostering connections that translate into successful trade and investment partnerships. We provide valuable market insights and resources to navigate the intricacies of doing business in both countries, ensuring your success. Join the HTCC and become an integral part of the vibrant economic bridge connecting Greece and Thailand.

Individual Membership

THB 3,000 (no VAT)

Corporate Membership

THB 9,000 (no VAT)

Complete your membership application by transferring or depositing the appropriate amount to the Hellenic-Thai Chamber of Commerce’s bank account and upload the receipt below.

Bank Name: Bangkok Bank (Central World Branch)
Account Number: 879-0-34098-1

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    Company Details

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    Social Networks

    Billing Details

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    Member Benefits

    Benefit from expert guidance in navigating the legal and regulatory framework of both Greece and Thailand.

    Gain access to in-depth market research and analysis of consumer behavior in your target markets.

    Receive personalized advice and support through dedicated consultations with experienced professionals.

    Connect and forge valuable partnerships with established businesses through exclusive networking events at a member-discounted rate.

    Leverage the HTCC’s expertise and resources to develop effective marketing and advertising strategies tailored to your target audience.

    Participate in exclusive trade missions designed to facilitate market entry and connect you with potential business partners.

    Stay informed through insightful presentations on the economic landscape and key business trends in Greece and Thailand.

    Receive regular updates on relevant legal, regulatory, and economic developments impacting your business operations in both countries.

    Obtain assistance with product localization, including distribution and supply chain management solutions specific to each market.

    Benefit from the expertise of our Greek affiliates who can provide invaluable guidance on navigating cultural nuances to ensure business success.

    The HTCC actively advocates on behalf of its members, promoting their interests and ensuring a favorable business environment.